Results for 'Federico Ernesto Lagunas'

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  1. Diseño sustentable: la industria, los consumidores y los profesionales del diseño industrial en el desarrollo de productos y en la preservación del medio ambiente.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, Federico Ernesto Lagunas & Ana Inés Lasala - 2011 - Illes Balears: Universitat de le Illes Balears.
    ¿De qué hablamos cuando decimos Diseño Sustentable? El diseño sustentable podría definirse como el diseño que tiene en cuenta los aspectos ambientales en todos los niveles de producción. Así mismo, persigue el objetivo de fabricar productos que aporten el menor impacto posible en el ecosistema a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida. Es muy difícil encontrar productos de consumo que cumplan puntualmente con los Preceptos del eco diseño y que sean exitosos en el mercado. Ante esta situación es (...)
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    Dealing With COVID-19 Patients: A Moderated Mediation Model of Exposure to Patients' Death and Mental Health of Italian Health Care Workers.Igor Portoghese, Maura Galletta, Federico Meloni, Ilenia Piras, Gabriele Finco, Ernesto D'Aloja & Marcello Campagna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is asking health care workers to meet extraordinary challenges. In turn, HCWs were experiencing tremendous psycho-social crisis as they have had to deal with unexpected emotional requirements arising from caring for suffering and dying patients on a daily basis. In that context, recent studies have highlighted how HCWs working during the COVID-19 outbreak manifested extreme emotional and behavioral reactions that may have impacted their mental health, increasing the risk for developing post-traumatic stress symptoms.Purpose: The aim of (...)
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  3. On temporal representations: a study from the lexicon.Sylvia Costa, Federico de León, Ernesto Macazaga García & Yamila Montenegro - 2024 - In Carlos Enrique Caorsi & Ricardo J. Navia, Philosophy of language in Uruguay: language, meaning, and philosophy. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  4. Una valoración de la metodología de Imre Lakatos desde la práctica científica contemporánea.Ernesto Fabbricatore - 2011 - Laguna 29:9-24.
    El artículo pretende analizar la metodología de los programas de investigación de Imre Lakatos a la luz de la ciencia contemporánea. Tomando como base las encuestas realizadas a un grupo de físicos del CERN, se constata que las sugerencias de Lakatos sobre el progreso en la ciencia, esto es, sobre cómo determinar el carácter progresivo o no de un programa de investigación, entran en colisión con la práctica cientí? ca. La conclusión es que el modelo lakatosiano no es un marco (...)
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    Repensar la experiencia democrática desde Latinoamérica: La concepción de la democracia radical en la obra de Ernesto Laclau.Walter Federico Gadea - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:95-110.
    La propuesta de una democracia radical condice con una concepción en la que el poder aparece como un «lugar vacío». Esto significa, que el lugar de la universalidad, que ocupaba la clase obrera en la teoría de Marx, es sustituido por una práctica articulatoria política, la cual se convierte en la encargada de brindar una unidad momentánea y parcial a los elementos fragmentarios de una estructura social abierta y dislocada (plural).
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  6. Lessons from farming in the Argentine Pampas: Ecological feedbacks, thresholds and collapses during the last century.Ernesto F. Viglizzo - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  7. Holocene costal longitudinal sand dunes in the westernmost end of Isla de Los Estados (Staaten Island), Tierra del Fuego.Juan Federico Ponce - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Gli epigoni di Kant.Gaetano Durante - 1943 - Firenze,: G. C. Sansoni.
    Introduzione.--Federico Enrico Jacobi.--Carlo Leonardo Reinhold.--Enesidemo (Graziadio Ernesto Schulze).--Sigismondo Beck.--Salomone Maimon.--Conclusione.
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  9. A Robot Is Not Worth Another: Exploring Children’s Mental State Attribution to Different Humanoid Robots.Federico Manzi, Giulia Peretti, Cinzia Di Dio, Angelo Cangelosi, Shoji Itakura, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Davide Massaro & Antonella Marchetti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  10. Filosofía, ciudadanía e interculturalidad: Los retos de la inclusión social en un mundo globalizado.Walter Federico Gadea - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:60-74.
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    Tolerance.Dominique Roger, André Parinaud & Claudine Parinaud (eds.) - 1996 - Paris: UNESCO.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. -- War on war, by Lewis Thomas -- 2. -- Silent genocide, by Abdus Salam -- 3. -- Error: a stage of knowledge, by Paulo Freire -- 4. -- Doing without a revolution?, by Tahar Ben Jelloun -- 5. -- Stop torture, by Manfred Nowak -- 6. -- Truth, force and law, by Rabindranath Tagore -- 7. -- Violence is an insult to the human being, by Federico Mayor -- 8. -- Totalitarianism banishes politics, (...)
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    (1 other version)What is a Complex System, After All?Ernesto Estrada - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (4):1143-1170.
    The study of complex systems, although an interdisciplinary endeavor, is considered as an integrating part of physical sciences. Contrary to the historical fact that the field is already mature, it still lacks a clear and unambiguous definition of its main object of study. Here, I propose a definition of complex systems based on the conceptual clarifications made by Edgar Morin about the bidirectional non-separability of parts and whole produced by the nature of interactions. Then, a complex system is defined as (...)
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  13. Against the 'no-go' philosophy of quantum mechanics.Federico Laudisa - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 4 (1):1-17.
    In the area of the foundations of quantum mechanics a true industry appears to have developed in the last decades, with the aim of proving as many results as possible concerning what there cannot be in the quantum realm. In principle, the significance of proving ‘no-go’ results should consist in clarifying the fundamental structure of the theory, by pointing out a class of basic constraints that the theory itself is supposed to satisfy. In the present paper I will discuss some (...)
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  14. Presentism and the Pain of the Past: A Reply to Orilia.Ernesto Graziani - 2021 - Philosophical Inquiries 9 (2):53-66.
    In a series of recent papers Francesco Orilia has presented an argument for the moral desirability of presentism. It goes, in brief, as follows: since the existence of painful events is morally undesirable, presentism, which denies that past painful events (tenselessly) exist, is morally more desirable than non-presentism, which instead affirms that past painful events (tenselessly) exist. An objection against this argument, which has already been taken into consideration by Orilia, is the ugly history objection or radical objection: what really (...)
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    Is the Capgras delusion an endorsement of experience?Federico Bongiorno - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (3):293-312.
    There is evidence indicating that the Capgras delusion is grounded in some kind of anomalous experience. According to the endorsement model, the content of the delusion is already encoded in the Capgras subject's experience, and the delusion is formed simply by endorsing that content as veridical. Elisabeth Pacherie and Sam Wilkinson have in different ways attempted to articulate a comprehensive defence of this strategy, but here I argue that the endorsement model cannot be defended along the lines envisioned by either (...)
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    Stop making sense of Bell’s theorem and nonlocality?Federico Laudisa - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):293-306.
    In a recent paper on Foundations of Physics, Stephen Boughn reinforces a view that is more shared in the area of the foundations of quantum mechanics than it would deserve, a view according to which quantum mechanics does not require nonlocality of any kind and the common interpretation of Bell theorem as a nonlocality result is based on a misunderstanding. In the present paper I argue that this view is based on an incorrect reading of the presuppositions of the EPR (...)
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    Ética, estética y política: ensayos (y errores) de un metaindignado.Ernesto Castro Córdoba - 2020 - Barcelona: Arpa & Alfil Editores.
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    Propuestas.Ernesto Garzón Valdés - 2011 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
    Esta colección de ensayos o «ejercicios de precisión conceptual» intenta aportar alguna claridad en el tratamiento de cuestiones de relevancia político-moral como el concepto de tolerancia, el significado moral del concepto de dignidad humana, la calamidad moral del Holocausto, la respuesta a la violencia extraordinaria, la fundamentación racional de las normas morales, lo íntimo, lo privado y lo público, hipocresía, simpatía y Estado de derecho o pluralismo, diferencia y desigualdad. Se presentan como «propuestas» que no pretenden ser «verdaderas» sino tan (...)
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  19. La vida en la obra de Alfonso Reyes.Ernesto Mejía Sánchez - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  20. La ninfa y el negro.Ernesto Menéndez-Conde - 2004 - Res Publica. Murcia 13 (1).
  21. Arte y sociedad en Theodor W. Adorno.Carlos Federico Mitidieri - 2021 - In Romina Conti & Mariano Martínez Atencio, Alcances extraestéticos de la experiencia del arte: aspectos éticos, políticos y cognitivos en las teorías estéticas contemporáneas. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Teseo.
  22. Pensamiento Estético, Dialéctica Negativa Y Fagocitación.por Carlos Federico Mitidieri - 2020 - In Ana Zagari, Rodolfo Kusch: esbozos filosóficos situados. CABA: Ediciones CICCUS.
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    Disjoint Logics.Federico Pailos - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (1):109-137.
    We will present all the mixed and impure disjoint three-valued logics based on the Strong Kleene schema. Some, but not all of them, are (inferentially) empty logics. We will also provide a recipe to build philosophical interpretations for each of these logics, and show why the kind of permeability that characterized them is not such a bad feature.
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    Rorty on Hermeneutical Injustice, Liberal Redescription and Utopian Imagination.Federico Penelas - 2019 - Endoxa 43:313.
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    An experimental analysis on the similarity of argumentation semantics.Federico Cerutti, Matthias Thimm & Mauro Vallati - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (3):269-304.
    In this paper we ask whether approximation for abstract argumentation is useful in practice, and in particular whether reasoning with grounded semantics – which has polynomial runtime – is already an approximation approach sufficient for several practical purposes. While it is clear from theoretical results that reasoning with grounded semantics is different from, for example, skeptical reasoning with preferred semantics, we investigate how significant this difference is in actual argumentation frameworks. As it turns out, in many graphs models, reasoning with (...)
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  26. The Virtue of Authenticity.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2015 - In Mark Timmons, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Volume 5. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 272-295.
    This paper explores the idea of authenticity, both what it is and why it’s valuable. First, I identify and criticize three popular approaches to authenticity: Individual Authenticity, Natural Authenticity, and Truthful Authenticity. Second, I defend a fourth approach to authenticity – what I call Existential Authenticity (EA) – which is comprised of three basic elements: (a) self- understanding, (b) self-expression, and (c) self-concern – in particular, concern about what kind of person one is and what type of life one lead. (...)
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  27. Bringing Public Reason into the Philosophy Classroom.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (2):173-191.
    *Honorable Mention for the 2024 American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) Lenssen Prize*: In recent years, ‘philosophy as a way of life’ [PWOL] courses have emerged as an exciting new pedagogical approach. I explain what a PWOL-course is. Next, I argue that the standard method for teaching such courses—what I call the ‘Smorgasbord Model’—presents us with a basic problem: viz., the challenge of how to enable students in the context of the modern university to truly experience what a PWOL even (...)
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  28. Intuitions in 21st-Century Ethics: Why Ethical Intuitionism and Reflective Equilibrium Need Each Other.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2021 - In Discipline filosofiche XXXI 2 2021 ( L’intuizione e le sue forme. Prospettive e problemi dell’intuizionismo). pp. 275-296.
    In this paper, I attempt to synthesize the two most influential contemporary ethical approaches that appeal to moral intuitions, viz., Rawlsian reflective equilibrium and Audi’s moderate intuitionism. This paper has two parts. First, building upon the work of Audi and Gaut, I provide a more detailed and nuanced account of how these two approaches are compatible. Second, I show how this novel synthesis can both (1) fully address the main objections to reflective equilibrium, viz., that it provides neither necessary nor (...)
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    Is Radical Atheism a Good Name for Deconstruction?Ernesto Laclau - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (1):180-189.
    In Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, Martin Hägglund fails to proceed deconstructively in his conception of radical atheism, opting instead for one term of an opposition, between the desire for immortality and an irreducible mortality that structures all human desire, rather than exploring the contamination of one term of an opposition by the other. The paper also responds to Hägglund's criticism of the author's account of articulation.
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    Populism without borders. Notes on a global history.Federico Finchelstein - 2019 - Constellations 26 (3):418-429.
  31. Senso comune e metodo filosofico.Ernesto Graziani - 2020 - Aphex 21.
    In filosofia spesso si segue un metodo stando al quale una tesi o teoria che sia più in sintonia con il senso comune deve essere preferita alle posizioni meno in sintonia con esso, per lo meno fino a quando non si mostri che quella tesi o teoria è inadeguata e che una delle posizioni avverse costituisce un adeguato sostituto. Nel presente contributo si vuole offrire una caratterizzazione della nozione di senso comune generalmente in uso nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei; illustrare criticamente (...)
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    Why Five Worlds? Plato's Timaeus 55C–D.Ernesto Paparazzo - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (2):147-162.
    In the Timaeus, Plato says that the hypothesis of there being five worlds casts a reasonable doubt. Neither ancient commentators of Plato nor modern scholars have succeeded in unveiling the meaning of this hypothesis. I propose that five is the number of combinations with which the five platonic solids can be arranged in sets of four, each set making up a world. I discuss the question of whether Plato's mathematical skills made him equal to the task of calculating the correct (...)
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    Constitución y ética constitucional: bosquejo de una propuesta de constitucionalismo cosmopolita desde una concepción cultural de los derechos.Llinás Alfaro & David Ernesto - 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo Editorial Ibáñez.
    Las dificultades teóricas que obstaculizan la idea de una ética constitucional -- ¿constitucionalismo global o constitucionalismo cosmopolita? -- El constitucionalismo, entre el cosmopolitismo, el universalismo y el localismo del estado nación -- El estado constitucional de derecho (o Estado constitucional de derecho, social y ambiental) y los derechos sociales -- El impacto del consenso de Washington en el derecho social colombiano, y la respuesta social desde la movilización y desde los derechos -- Los derechos, un espacio de lucha y emancipación (...)
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  34. (1 other version)En torno a Avendaño y Sahún: diferentes encuentros con el Otro en la colonia.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 45 (3):2-3.
    El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo establecer una comparación entre las reflexiones sobre los indígenas en la obra de Diego de Avendaño y Bernardino de Sahagún. Partiendo de las concepciones de la antropología posmoderna, se considera que el interés por y la reconstrucción del Otro tienen prioridad en la época poscolonial. En este sentido, Avendaño es categorizado como un autor que, si bien emprender una defensa de los indígenas, mantiene poco interés por ellos, mientras que Sahagún, con su disposición etnológica, (...)
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    Un origen y un futuro tecnológicos.Héctor Federico Boero - 1996 - Tucumán, Argentina: Ediciones del Rectorado, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
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    La invención del realismo político: Un ejercicio de historia conceptual.Ernesto Cabrera García - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):126-149.
    Este artículo es un intento de dilucidación y delimitación historiográfico-conceptual que pretende aportar un enfoque alternativo a los estudios sobre la teoría política realista. Mi propósito es presentar un bosquejo del sentido histórico del concepto de realismo político situándolo en los contextos de la Realpolitik alemana y de la escuela realista de las relaciones internacionales. De este modo, pretendo mostrar las relaciones contextuales del realismo político, la localización de su antagonismo con el liberalismo y la invención retrospectiva de una tradición (...)
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    Characterization of rock material by point load strength index test and direct cut.Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle & Paúl Andrés Almache Rodríguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):11-22.
    The objective of this work is to establish a relationship between the cutting time in rocks, determining a speed and the point load strength index test, Is, to characterize the rock in terms of resistance and avoid sending samples to laboratories. As a first stage, on andesite samples, 5 x 5 x 10 cm test tubes were made. After the elaboration they were subjected to cutting, using an electric floor cutter and the time was evaluated. This cut was made in (...)
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  38. Petrarca und die Geschichte.Eckhard Keßler & Ernesto Grassi - 1980 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 34 (1):140-142.
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    Potential and 'Power of a Collectivity to Act'.Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (2):187-194.
    This paper connects two notions: Hart and Mas-Colell’s ‘potential’, related to the value of coalitional games, and Coleman’s earlier notion of ‘power of a collectivity to act’, related to the easiness to make decisions by means of a voting rule.
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    Regalos, favores... y donación de órganos: ensayo exploratorio de doremática.Ernesto Martínez Díaz de Guereñu - 2011 - Bilbao: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto.
    Tras un repensamiento a fondo de la filosofía clásica en torno al favor y el regalo, se plantea un interrogante comparatista con la novísima solidaridad surgida en la donación de órganos. Entre ambas realidades éticas se introduce y discute la perversión del regalo acudiendo a la mitología de la antigüedad.
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    El dilema de un mexicano moderno.Luis Ernesto González Mendoza - 2024 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 143 (143):77-103.
    El presente artículo tiene como misión demostrar cómo la poesía mexicana, en especial la de los años sesenta, trabajó no únicamente el problema de la identidad, sino, además, cómo se apropió del giro lingüístico en su estructura para responder a dicha pregunta; todo ello enmarcado bajo el concepto histórico de lo moderno. Para ello, primero se abordará la redefinición de la literatura mexicana tras la Revolución de 1910; después, se abordará la idea de Octavio Paz sobre modernidad y su relación (...)
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  42. L'origine dell'anima secondo Sant'Agostino.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1954 - Giornale di Metafisica 9 (4/5):542.
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  43. Leggerezza empirica e superficialità metafisica dell'uomo moderno.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (6):676.
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    Teoria del muro.Ernesto Sferrazza Papa - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:155-176.
    In questo articolo l’autore analizza il tema del muro statale a partire da una prospettiva interdisciplinare che connette ontologia, filosofia della tecnologia e filosofia politica. La tesi principale del saggio è che vi sia una differenza ontologica fra il muro e il confine su cui esso si inscrive. Dopo una breve discussione di alcune note teorie ontologiche, l’autore argomenta a favore della tesi per cui il muro non sia un oggetto sociale, bensì un artefatto. Più specificamente, il muro è un (...)
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  45. La sillería de San Benito el Real de Valladolid.Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual - 1985 - Nova et Vetera 19:151-180.
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    Wie man eine Platonstelle deutet: Exegetische Strukturen im Mittelplatonismus.Federico M. Petrucci - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (1):55-91.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Do Theories of Punishment Necessarily Deliver a Binary System of Verdicts? An Exploratory Essay.Federico Picinali - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):555-574.
    Scholars writing on theories of punishment generally try to answer two main questions: what human behaviour should be punished and why? Only cursorily do they concern themselves with the question as to how confident in the occurrence of criminal behaviour we must be prior to punishing—i.e., the question of the criminal standard of proof. Theories of punishment are ultimately theories about choices of action—in particular, about how to treat individuals. If this is correct, it seems that they should not overlook (...)
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  48. Ontologia temporale.Ernesto Graziani - 2014 - Aphex 9.
    L'ontologia temporale è la riflessione sullo statuto ontologico delle entità meramente passate o future. In questo contributo intendo chiarire il significato di questa questione, presentare le principali opzioni teoriche che si delineano rispetto ad essa e, concentrandomi sulle due principali teorie contendenti, B-eternismo e presentismo, illustrare gli argomenti più rilevanti formulati a favore dell'una e dell'altra.
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  49. The Guise of the Ought-to-Be. A Deontic View of the Intentionality of Desire.Federico Lauria - 2017 - In Federico Lauria & Julien Deonna, The Nature of Desire. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    How are we to understand the intentionality of desire? According to the two classical views, desire is either a positive evaluation or a disposition to act. This essay examines these conceptions of desire and argues for a deontic alternative, namely the view that desiring is representing a state of affairs as what ought to be. Three lines of criticism of the classical pictures of desire are provided. The first concerns desire’s direction of fit, i.e. the intuition that the world should (...)
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  50. Populismo : o que há num nome?Ernesto Laclau - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves, A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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